Possible causes of hair loss in teenagers may include genetic factors, hormonal imbalance and any underlying medical condition. In some cases, hair loss can be reversed if taken care of properly. Most people experience some hair fall throughout their life, it never happens that hair does not fall at all. Most people start experiencing hair fall during adulthood. But generally, some people start losing hair in adolescence itself. Hair loss can be difficult for anyone, especially if you are younger.

Read more - (Hair fall reasons)

  1. Causes Of Hair Loss In Adolescence In Men And Women
  2. Medicines And Medical Treatments
  3. Other Causes Of Hair Fall
  4. Symptoms Of Hair Loss In Adolescence
  5. Hair Loss Types Treatment Options For Teens
  6. Summary

Here are some possible causes of hair loss in teenagers.

Androgenetic alopecia is a genetic cause of hair loss, called male-pattern baldness or female-pattern baldness. This is a predictable pattern. In men, it usually manifests as a receding hairline into an M, V, or U shape and gradual baldness on the top of the head. Women usually notice gradual thinning of one section of their hair. Hair loss typically begins in adulthood, but may also begin during adolescence.

Alopecia Areata
Alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition that causes hair to fall out in patches. Autoimmune conditions develop when your body mistakes your own healthy cells as invaders. In the case of alopecia areata, your immune system attacks your hair follicles. You may notice hair loss on your scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, or body. Alopecia areata affects about 2 percent of the population at some time in their lives. In most people it develops before the age of 30, sometimes it may start in childhood.

Malnutrition is a lack of proper nutrition that can be caused by not eating enough, eating too much, or not getting the right balance of nutrients. Some possible causes are lack of access to food, dietary imbalance, eating disorders or digestive conditions. Deficiency of the following nutrients can cause hair loss, including:

Thyroid conditions that cause under- or over-production of thyroid hormone can cause hair loss or brittleness. Hair loss due to thyroid conditions usually shows up as uniform thinning across your scalp. Hair loss is most common in people suffering from long-term thyroid disease. Hair health can remain good with proper treatment.

Read more - (Hair Fall Reasons in Male)

Lupus is an autoimmune condition caused by your immune system targeting your tissues and organs. Lupus can cause symptoms such as joint pain, fatigue, and hair loss. Hair gradually starts thinning in people suffering from lupus.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Polycystic ovary syndrome is a women's health problem. The production of hormones such as testosterone is normal in women. But when they produce too much, it can lead to symptoms like menstrual cycle disruption, acne and hair thinning, and treating the hormonal imbalance can lead to hair regrowth.

Read more - (How to prevent hair fall)

Many medications and medical treatments can cause hair loss. As -

  • Acne Medications
  • Antibiotics
  • Anti-blood Clotting Medicines
  • Antidepressants
  • Antifungal
  • Blood Pressure Medicine
  • Chemotherapy
  • Cholesterol Lowering Drugs
  • Arthritis Medicine

Regularly coloring your hair or getting chemical hair treatments done can cause hair damage, and potentially increase hair breakage. These treatments usually do not affect the roots of your hair, and your hair's health may improve after stopping the treatment, but long-term use may be harmful. Chlorine found in swimming pools, bleaching hair, and exposing hair to extreme heat can also cause hair loss.

Read more - (How to regrow hair naturally?)

  • Friction – Repeated stress of making tight buns, ponytails or braids increases hair fall.

  • Trichotillomania – This is a psychological disorder where a person has a recurring desire to get their hair cut. Symptoms usually begin between 10 and 13 years of age.

  • Ringworm of the scalp – Ringworm is a fungal infection that can cause itchy and scaly skin patches on your scalp. In some cases, ringworm can cause inflammation that leads to sores and hair loss.

  • Telogen Effluvium – Telogen effluvium is a temporary form of hair loss that causes excessive hair loss. Stress, illness, childbirth or weight loss are some of the many possible causes of this.

Can Puberty Cause Hair Loss In Adolescence?
Puberty causes fluctuating hormone levels that can potentially affect hair growth. Hair loss may begin soon after puberty and increase over time. Pattern hair loss is the most common cause of hair loss in men and women.

Read more - (Hair loss prevention)

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Depending on the underlying cause, teenagers may face problems like irregular hair fall, thin hair etc. If hair loss is caused by an underlying medical condition, you may experience several other symptoms along with hair loss. If your child has started losing hair, it is a good idea to visit a doctor. They will help to know whether there is a medical reason for the hair loss or whether it is a genetic reason. In some cases, prompt treatment may increase the chances of hair regrowth.

Examining The Underlying Cause
A doctor can find the cause of your hair loss by performing a physical examination and examining your medical history and examining your scalp under a microscope. If the doctor suspects hormonal imbalance or nutrient deficiencies, they may order blood tests or even take a small biopsy of your scalp. In some cases, hair loss can be reversed with proper treatment.

  • Injections, Ointments, Or Oral Treatments
  • Genetic Minoxidil, Finasteride, Spironolactone, Prp
  • Hair Treatment, Coloring And Styling, Avoid Further Hair Treatments
  • Lupus: Avoid Sunlight, Eat A Healthy Diet, Limit Stress, Get Plenty Of Rest
  • Malnutrition Correct Nutrient Deficiency
  • Adjust Drug Dosage, Change Medications
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Birth Control, Metformin, Spironolactone, Clomiphene, Surgery
  • Scalp Ringworm, Antifungal Medicine, Medicated Shampoo
  • Thyroid Medications
  • Traction Alopecia Avoid Tight Ponytails And Buns, Corticosteroid Injections
  • Minoxidil Is Not Approved By The Fda For People Under The Age Of 18. You Should Use Minoxidil Only If Your Doctor Tells You It Is Ok.

Read more - (Best juice recipe for hair loss)

Can Hair Fall In Adolescence Be Stopped?
Some causes of hair loss in teens can be prevented and potentially reverse hair loss. For example, if you are experiencing hair loss due to a thyroid hormone imbalance, correcting the hormonal imbalance may improve hair growth. Other causes, such as genetic hair loss, have no known cure and are likely to progress over time but can be slowed with treatment. The best way to know if you can stop hair loss is to consult a doctor.

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Hair loss at a young age can be very difficult. Hair fall can happen to anyone, especially teenagers, due to stress or anxiety. If your child is losing hair, it's important to remind them that hair loss doesn't change their personality and doesn't mean there's anything wrong with them. There are many reasons why teenagers may experience hair loss. Genetically predisposed hair loss may begin after puberty and a pattern of hair loss may form. If your child is struggling with hair loss, it is a good idea to visit a doctor to get a proper diagnosis and rule out possible medical conditions.

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